Monday, March 30, 2020

Your Chemistry Tutor - How to Help Them Learn

Your Chemistry Tutor - How to Help Them LearnDo you think that your Chemistry tutor has all the answers? I want to show you that the way to have a great teacher is to know how to help them learn. This guide will show you how to truly inspire your student.It was interesting to read the book 'How to Help Your Chemist at Phases Chemistry' by Caren and Lauren-Piney. It has been really fun learning about this book because it seemed like the teachers and tutors had some misconceptions that they had to be a certain way in order to be successful. Here is a quick review of how I feel about it.A good chemistry tutor should first of all know that there are different methods for teaching. You will also need to find out what your student wants so that you can provide them with the information that they will need. Here is what the authors teach their students.The first important step in getting a good tutor is to find one. Don't be afraid to ask your friend or even your parents if they can help yo u. Also, look for online help. You can usually find someone who can do this for you if you do some searching on the internet.Now that you have a mentor that you trust, you need to find out what type of student you want to tutor. In this guide, we will give you the tips and tricks on how to choose your student based on the personality of the student and the ability to put the subject matter in their head. The next step is to identify what phase the student is in.Next, you need to find out what the student wants. This will make a huge difference as far as the quality of the tutoring sessions. Here is how the authors explain it:Another major aspect of this book is to understand the student's relationship with the teacher. We always hear about how great the teachers are but how many students don't have teachers at all. There are many reasons why this happens.For example, a student may want to be taught by a specific teacher or a teacher who is right there at the school but they don't wa nt to be constantly making an effort to contact the teacher. In this book, we explain how this can happen and how to avoid it. Also, this book will help you figure out what kind of approach you need to make in order to get a student to communicate with you.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Teacher inspiration This years winner of the Global Teacher Prize

Teacher inspiration This year’s winner of the Global Teacher Prize “She’s like a hero to me. She really is.” These are the words used by a student at Alperton Community School in Brent, West London in the UK to describe his art and textiles teacher, Andria Zafirakou. Andria is not only a hero to this student, but to all of her students, to her colleagues, and to the community. She’s also the winner of the 2018 Global Teacher Prize. This prestigious $1 million US award is given out annually to a single teacher from anywhere in the world who’s judged to have made the most significant contribution to their profession. Having heard Andria’s story and understanding all she does to make sure every single one of her students reaches their full potential, we’re feeling pretty inspired here at Teach Away. We’re hoping Andria can inspire you, too. Here are some of Andria’s accomplishments at Alperton Community School that helped to define her as this year’s winner: Andria uses her role as an art and textiles teacher to communicate with her students in ways not bound by language and culture. This is imperative to a productive learning environment at Alperton due to the fact that approximately 35 different languages are spoken there and 85% of students speak English as an additional language. In a diverse multicultural neighborhood with poverty, gang activity and domestic violence, Andria goes above and beyond to protect her students. Not only does she personally accompany her students as they board their buses at the end of the day, but she works closely with local police and is acutely aware of any stirrings in her school’s backyard that could be signs of gang presence. She’s established a boxing club to provide students with an opportunity to grow their confidence and self-esteem, while staying healthy and off the streets. Andria leads the professional development charge at Alperton. In addition to constantly improving her own teaching skill set, she’s also taken it upon herself to provide opportunities for her colleagues to improve theirs. As a result, Alperton is one of only ten schools in the UK to earn the Quality Mark Platinum Award. For more on Andria’s incredible involvement at Alperton Community School, check out this video:

Do You Need A Babysitting Service?

Do You Need A Babysitting Service?Lansiing is a small town in Guangdong Province located on the mainland's east coast. In this small and famous area, there are many ways to obtain babysitting services by means of the Lansiing Grandparents Tutoring Program.Lansiing has an established and familiar babysitting service for kids. This program also allows you to learn about the issues of raising a child on your own. Because of this, a lot of people have started to do it by themselves. So, by paying fees for the tutoring program, you can learn more about raising a child on your own and you will be able to become a responsible and competent parent.The tutoring program includes practical experience for the students and it is different from those in other places. They all meet once every week, which is a very rare occurrence, because most parents in other areas do not have time to meet with their children as often as they would like. Instead, they prefer to send their children to babysitters, who can stay over and help their children with their homework or reading.There are many other reasons why the tutoring program has become so popular in the town of Lansing. Some of the factors include the advantages of being a mother and being trained at an educational center. Another advantage is that parents are able to help their children more effectively because they are able to learn the best ways of how to raise a child at home.Being a mom, you know that raising a child alone is hard. You will realize that your skills are great and that you can help your child as much as you can. The program teaches you everything you need to know about raising a child. It will enable you to get ahead in life because you will be able to spend more time with your child and you will be more confident in doing so.Parents can also experience a very interesting and amazing service that was built with the grandparents. During the time you will spend with your grandkids, you will be able to know more about their lives and their life in general. The program provides plenty of fun activities such as playing games and getting up and running. You will also be able to learn about the way your grandkids live and learn all about their school life.However, if you decide that this is not the right choice for you, then it is up to you to get a good babysitter from where you live and make sure you find a great service. Do not hesitate to ask your friends and relatives what they think of the babysitting service and if they have used one. This will give you a better idea of what you should do. By doing so, you will not just make it easy for you but you will also have a good place to go to when you want to have a good babysitting experience.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Chemistry Tutor Baths - Your Student Could Benefit From It

Chemistry Tutor Baths - Your Student Could Benefit From ItMany students who have not had any formal study at all, would be enticed by the idea of having a chemistry tutor bath. This could be one of the many great ways to boost their grades by being with a tutor. By having a chemical subject on hand, which they would need to take notes on, they would be able to think logically about the course material they are required to take.Nowadays, in order to obtain a chemistry qualification, it is absolutely essential to obtain a certificate or degree. However, this does not necessarily mean that a student will automatically qualify for a university degree. For the most part, the school they are applying to must accept that level.The hygiene of these students will also be looked upon as they have to get into a communal shower, thus having to prepare for washing, after class, as well as showering again. Often, they have to use the same equipment to wash up as their fellow students. Therefore, h aving a tutor to clean them up, could also be quite handy, especially for those students who are nervous about sharing showers with their peers.The only down side to the tutoring, is that there will not be enough hours in the day for them to complete the required number of lessons for the day courses. The day courses are usually long and require a lot of work from them, but the tutor bath could easily be able to meet the requirements.In fact, having a tutor's help in your student's bathroom could be rather helpful. This would definitely save the students, time, and money. Although the children's lessons would have to be completed, the tutor could still check off the task as completed for themselves.By having the assistance, they could still be able to turn around, finish all their daily homework, and then set off, just by getting to their destination in the morning. Not only that, but all the other tasks involved in preparing and taking notes could be finished whilst the tutor bath was taking place.A tutor can assist you in taking the course materials to be turned in, the preparation of all the lab papers, all the instructions on how to perform all the lab experiments and then the report can be completed, then submitted. This would be an immense advantage to all of the students. The tutor's help could prove to be very beneficial indeed.

How to Stay Active When You Work A Desk Job (Infographic) - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Stay Active When You Work A Desk Job (Infographic) - Introvert Whisperer How to Stay Active When You Work A Desk Job (Infographic) The Rise of Sedentary Work Research from the University of Edinburgh has revealed that the average office worker now spends more time sitting down than pensioners. In 2019, many office jobs necessitate sedentary behaviour with employees looking at a screen for hours on end every day. Sedentary roles are on the rise, with physically active jobs now making up less than 20% of the workforce. The Dangers of Sedentary Work According to the WHO, physical inactivity is the 4th biggest killer of the modern world. In fact, health experts are now declaring that “sitting is the new smoking”. Medical studies have linked a sedentary lifestyle with a wide range of health issues such as weight gain, general unfitness, depression, diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Getting Exercise at Work: 5 Tips So how can you be more active at work? Here are five great ideas to get you started: One option is to switch your desk with a more physical-demanding alternative such as a treadmill desk, exercise ball, or standing desk? When possible, take the stairs instead of the elevator Rather than emailing a colleague, why not stroll over to their desk and talk to them instead? You could take meetings on the move West Wing Use your lunch breaks as an opportunity to take extra exercise by going for a walk or by going to the gym for a quick workout. Find Out More If your job involves prolonged periods of sitting, then you should certainly take a look at the infographic below from Hussey Fraser Injury Solicitors. This handy guide outlines the dangers of a sedentary work life and also provides some advice on how to incorporate more physical activity into your working day.

5 Fun Summer Ideas for Families to Learn Spanish Together

5 Fun Summer Ideas for Families to Learn Spanish Together Suzy S. Families: looking for creative ways to practice Spanish together now that summer is here? Read on as Sacramento tutor Allison H. shares a few of her fun ideas Summer is here, the warm temperatures and sunshine tempting us outside to pools, concerts, and neighborhood barbecues. With  so many fun things to do, it’s hard to buckle down and learn Spanish  outside your daily activities. But one of the keys to learning a language is practice, practice, and more practice. Whether you are worried about your student suffering summer loss, are gearing up for that vacation in Mexico, or just want some fun Spanish-language activities for the summer, here are a few ways to practice and learn Spanish that  will get  the whole family involved. 1. Listen to a song Music is a window into other cultures and languages, plus it’s good for pronunciation and vocabulary expansion. Listening and singing along to music in another language is wonderful for your pronunciation. Even if you don’t have a clue what the song is about, just singing along will help your mouth start to form the sounds of the language. Listening to music will also get your ears used to the sounds of the language. You’ll be surprised how many words you start picking out once you get started. So pull up YouTube and watch a few music videos from Latin American and Spanish bands. (Here are some great Spanish musicians to start with!) Extra credit: Write down 3-5 words you didn’t know and look them up! Here is one of my favorite tunes: 2. Catch up on the news Listening to the news provides a snapshot of everyday life in the country where it came from. Much like listening to music, listening to the news provides an excellent opportunity for comprehension practice and vocabulary expansion. Each time you listen, select 3-5 words to look up and add to your vocabulary practice. Check out  News in Slow Spanish   not only does it provide a newscast in slow basic Spanish, but it also includes a transcript so you can practice your reading comprehension as well. Extra credit: Discuss what you just heard, in Spanish, with a family member or study buddy! For more ideas check out these three simple steps for adding Spanish to your summer fun! 3. Get cooking Everyone loves to eat, so why not make it an opportunity to practice your Spanish? Visit Allrecipes Mexico  to pick out a delicious recipe, all in Spanish. How much can you understand on your own and how many of the words do you have to look up? Add the words you had to look up to your vocabulary practice. Now prepare and enjoy. Extra credit: Make your kitchen a Spanish-only zone while cooking the meal. Heres a great guide to Spanish cooking vocabulary from FluentU! 4. Put a label on it Make your house the classroom. Label your furniture and appliances in Spanish. The repetition of seeing those labels will help everyone in the family associate the words with the object. This can be helpful for students who struggle with connecting the words in a book to real life. Extra credit: Only refer to labeled objects by their Spanish name! Related Video: Learn How to Describe Family Members in Spanish 5. Take a walk…. with flashcards Now that you have all this new Spanish vocabulary, it’s time to practice it. My personal favorite vocab study technique, backed up by research, is flashcards. Research shows that flashcards help with memorization because they appeal to many learning styles (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic), force active recall (you have to remember the word from scratch without any context to hint at the meaning), and allow for self-directed study (you choose what you need to work on). Walking while you study has also been shown to help with retention, plus it’s more fun than sitting at home. So make up your flashcards and go for a walk. Extra credit: Take a study buddy and quiz each other! Heres a visual recap of these  ideas for practicing Spanish this summer: Readers, what other ways do you practice and learn Spanish with your families?  Let us know in the comments! Post Author: Allison H. Allison H. teaches Spanish in Sacramento, CA. She studied Spanish at Warren Wilson College and Spanish Language at La Universidad de Granada. She has been teaching since 2011. Learn more about Allison here! Photo by  Nestlé Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Singing and Athleticism Whats the Link

Singing and Athleticism Whats the Link Suzy S. When youre a singer and a performer, taking care of your vocal cords is essential to staying on top of your game. How much does staying in shape physically factor into that? Here, Gainesville, FL vocal teacher Anna F. tackles the question Stop a random passerby on the street, and ask them to describe an opera singer. The typical response includes horns, a breastplate, braids, and beneath all of the accoutrements an overweight singer. It is important for singers of all ages to understand the benefits of keeping both vocally AND physically healthy. From a hiring perspective, the importance of being in shape cannot be overemphasized. Opera productions have moved away from park-and-bark stagings, and are now moving to compete with the intense, dramatic acting of straight theater. Simply put, a singer must have the physical capability to easily get themselves around a stage (this goes double, if not triple for a singer with Broadway aspirations). In addition, many of opera’s most cherished heroines are supposed to be young girls, and/or even deathly ill (Mimi, Violetta, I’m looking at you). But being physically active and athletic is important beyond the stage. I firmly believe that there is a direct correlation between good health and good singing. A few years ago I (unwillingly) picked up running. Between grad school, an assistantship, a serving job, and rehearsals, I didn’t have time to go to a gym, so running seemed the best option for losing some weight. And I will swear on my life that the controlled breathing necessary to a successful run (and not feeling like you’re going to pass out at any given moment) contributed to my increased understanding and grasp of breath control in singing. All of a sudden it made sense â€" you couldn’t blow all your air right away and expect to make it through the phrase, let alone the next half-mile. While this seems fairly common sense, the idea is fairly abstract until you’re bent over, gasping for air and wishing you weren’t still two miles from home. I give all of my students the same advice: eat well, drink water, get plenty of sleep, and stay active. Nightly walks, running a few times a week, yoga in the mornings; pick one and stick with it! It will pay off in the long run. Anna F. teaches singing, Broadway singing, opera voice, speaking voice and acting lessons to students in Gainesville, FL. She received her Bachelors in Music from the University of Florida, and her Masters in Music from Christopher Newport University. Anna joined the TakeLessons team in December 2012. Learn more about Anna, or search for a teacher near you! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Tejas Prints